But don’t fret, I’m not here to stress you out about the fact you’re already stressed, that won’t help anyone. What I’d like to offer is some advice about how to handle stress. I know from first-hand experience how it feels when it all gets too much, and you feel like the world is crumbling around you, but there are ways you can help yourself and overcome your stress.
First of all, if you’re feeling stressed, the worst thing you can do is let go of the steering wheel. This is your life and you’re always in control. In the 1950’s, a psychologist called Julian Rotter developed his ideas, and formulated experiments around what is known as ‘locus of control’. This concept was, and still is, considered to be a very important aspect of an individual’s personality, as it refers to that individual’s perception about whether they can control the events that affect their lives. Those who have an internal locus of control believe they are in control of their lives, and those with an external locus of control believe their lives are controlled by external factors they cannot influence, like chance or fate. Now, statistically speaking, those with an internal locus of control i.e. those who believe they are in control, generally lead happier lives. It is difficult to change the way you think about things, but it’s not impossible. Start with small steps, maybe when you’re feeling stressed write a list of your achievements or accomplishments. This will allow you some time to reflect on what you have earned and how you earned these things, and you will realise, you never achieved anything by chance, you achieved your goals by working hard!
Another way to help us deal with stress is to teach ourselves to be more mindful. Put simply, mindfulness is being aware of ourselves and what’s going on around us in the present. The idea is that if we are focusing on what is happening now, if we are fully present in the present moment, we are not fretting about the past or the future. When you think about it, it makes perfect sense! I can’t be the only one who sits there and lets their mind wonder, and when I do this I’ll feel regret or embarrassment about things I did last month, or I’ll worry about whether I’ll have enough money to pay my bills next month, and I spend far too much time worrying about the time and about other people’s opinions of me, it’s all so unnecessary.

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